Lang Moxing

o wayward sailor, follow the stars until you are lost


though the waves sing and call you home, home

Lang hails from a small community of druids residing on a chain of small islands in the Ruby Sea. Dutiful and dedicated to his home, it came as no small surprise to his family when he announced that he would set out from their isolated shores to see the world. Shortly after, with little more than a pack on his back and a sword at his hip, he left for the faraway lands across the sea.

Name: Lang Moxing (浪陌星)
Age: 28 (ARR), 30 (HW), 32 (StB), 35 (ShB), 38 (EW)
Gender: cis male, he/him
Sexuality: pan, poly
Ancestry: Au Ra (Raen), dragon
Height: 7' 1"
Based in: Ul'dah; Lavender Beds; Ishgard
Personality: reserved, practical, studious; snarky, indelicate
At a glance: Tall and broad-shouldered with a severe face. Smirks more than he smiles. Eyes glow faintly in the dark, and brightly during emotional outbursts. Scarred from being badly clawed from just under his left eye to the scales along his jaw. Horns are filigreed with jade in patterns of vines, leaves, and flowers. Generous chest. Runs cold.Notable features: A large, twisted scar cuting across his chest from under his right collarbone to the top of his left ribs. A matching pair of circular scars just below his left shoulder blade and at the top of his left pectoral. Gills hidden under the layered, plated scales on either side of his chest. A thick and slightly flat tail, like an alligator's. Under certain circumstances, may grow a large set of antlers.Read more.


heed not their siren song, o wanderer

(1) dúlamán - malinda
(5) kingdom of cards - bad omens
(3) mr loverman - ricky montgomery
(2) play with fire - sam tinnesz, yacht money
(4) the rockrose and the thistle - the amazing devil

With his broad build, sharp features, and perpetually creased brow, Lang cuts an imposing figure. He emotes little and speaks less among strangers, preferring instead to listen and observe from the fringes of the room.Friends, on the other hand, know that Lang is a man fond of good company and casual affection. He spends most evenings curled up with a book in close proximity to one trusted companion or another, soaking in the warmth (both literal and figurative) of time spent with a loved one.Friends also know that Lang's reticence hides a sharp tongue and sharper wit. He delights in (affectionately) teasing those close to him, and his rapport with his best friend is founded on the nearly vitriolic snark they direct at each other. He is unafraid to speak his mind when he feels it necessary, and is surprisingly proficient at talking smack for someone so quiet.Intensely driven when it comes to his goals, Lang is unflinchingly willing to dirty his hands to accomplish them. Some might say a little too willing; at times he needs to be restrained from acting on the most direct - but not least harmful - path forward.

  • Don't let the act-first sword swinging fool you: Lang is a voracious reader and dedicated scholar of the natural world. His primary area of study focuses on aether's effects on the environment, and even more so how and where that changed in the wake of the Calamity.

  • Lang's gills are the reason he spends so much time in water, as they feel uncomfortable if he goes more than a few days without submerging them.

  • Lang loves food, be it consuming or making it, and he delights in exploring the local cuisine of each new region he travels to. Though he likes to cook, nowadays he's primarily a baker, making and serving beautiful, delicate desserts at the Miqo'tower Catfe.

  • Although he's a skilled leatherworker, Lang remains staunchly unaffiliated with any guild, having chafed at the constant competition and bickering. Most of his clients instead come to him by word of mouth. Unlike his pastries, he prefers making simple, sturdy pieces meant to last, and adheres to a policy that he'll repair anything he's made, free of charge.

  • Though it's become significantly less obvious in the years since his arrival, Eorzean isn't Lang's first language, and he occasionally misspeaks. (See the infamous incident where he accidentally asked an influential merchant what his money would be worth when Lang killed him rather than if-- at least the man deserved the scare).

RP Info and Hooks

take not this bed of sand and sea foam; it is not yet time for you to rest

I'm happy to talk RP, from casual HCs or long-form. Hooks listed are suggestions, not rules. Please feel free to message me if you have questions or ideas!My default setting is multi-WOL where Lang is a WOL and has the Echo, but I'm happy to RP in others (including no WOL or NPC WOL). Let's talk about it!

  • Though Lang tends to keep to himself, he can be won over with the promise of an interesting experience, good food, or strong drink, among other things (including, in the right circumstances, a pretty face).

  • Lang spent some time shortly after arriving in Eorzea fighting as a gladiator in the Coliseum under the alias Oberon. He made a name for himself with his unusual fighting style, which blends bladework with elemental and natural magics rarely seen in Eorzea. Perhaps you watched one of his matches?

  • Have a job that requires a little extra muscle? Have a shady job that requires a lot of extra muscle? Lang is a capable, reliable hire who's fine with not to asking too many questions, provided you can pay for his services.

  • Lang can often be found at his Free Company's cafe, the Miqo'tower Catfe. He's usually in the kitchen, where he crafts the cafe's intricate pastries, but can be requested to serve your table - just ask one of the other catboys!

  • Lang owns and maintains a tavern in Ishgard called the Traveler's Respite. The Respite's doors are open to any and all who need a bit of warmth amongst the cold.

OOC Info

so go forth, seeking that distant horizon

Hi there! I'm Luti (21+, they/them/any), tank/healer main, 24/7 Haurchefant lover, and the player behind Lang. I started my journey on January 02, 2021, and have been loving my time in Eorzea ever since.You can usually find me AFKing on Mateus. I spend most of my time at the MQTWR house (Lavender Beds, W13 P1) or in my apartment (Empyreum, W22 R76). Please feel free to stop by!wu/t (in character or out!) and casual RP are welcome! Please note that I often have /say chat turned off, so if I seem to be ignoring you please send me a /tell instead. I promise I don't bite, no matter what Lang's RBF may suggest.You can also find me on my FFXIV twitter, @langmx_